I’ve always wanted to write. Not for what it amounts to but merely for the satisfaction it brings.
It is more of an effort to refine my own world view by sharing it with other fine people like you.
In the process, if I am able to help you refine your own perception of learning & life nothing like it.
This blog is a humble effort to have wonderful people like you, who have been generous with a portion of their life they’re not going to get back, join in on a journey of collective exploration of learning, earning & living.
To begin with, the idea is to focus on enhancing our mental tool kit to learn investing lessons, particularly in areas where you would otherwise not think of looking.
As someone once said, its easy to complain about what’s wrong with the world much harder to do something to fix it.
This is (however small), an effort in the latter direction. It may not be perfect. But again, its better than not trying.
Do share your views and suggestions to help make this better and more meaningful for one and all.