Income inequality in India!

Where do you fit in and what are your thoughts on the situation as a whole?

Which way is better?

One way of life and learning is to dissect. To break everything apart to be able to understand and experience it.

The other is to integrate, to bring everything together to form a holistic perspective.

We need both the scientist and the poet, the romantic and the rationalist.

One of my favourite minds Richard Feynman said it best

Butterfly Effect 🦋

Does the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas?

American mathematician and meteorologist, Edward Lorenz has a theory (interestingly called Chaos theory)saying they can, and do so more often than our model of the world would care to admit.

Ironically, Lorenz discovered this while trying to build a model to predict weather.

Butterfly effect in essence says that seemingly small insignificant causes can have massively significant effects.

One way to look at this would be say that everything (no matter how trivial) matters or that nothing does!

Here’s Morgan Housel explaining how he, his mother and the United States of America as we know it all owe their very existence to this phenomenon (43 mins 12 seconds onwards). The interview is great overall too!

If I observe my own life I can trace it back to the Big Bang. I don’t have a sense of how to go beyond that!

Did you know of Butterfly Effect and its role in life? Are there any helpful resources to learn more about this extraordinary phenomenon?

Below are some good ones that I came across.

A Ted Talk by Vrinda Gupta

This Farman Street Blog

For the scientifically inclined, here’s a video from Vertasium

One of the paradoxes of human existence: The easier life gets, the harder humanity suffers!

If you disagree, how would you explain the fact that while we are living in the best of times as far as every creature comfort is concerned, and yet the highest number of people are unhappy 😭

And when nobody wakes you up in the morning, and when nobody waits for you at night, and when you can do whatever you want. what do you call it, freedom or loneliness?

~Milan Kundera

I have often wondered how it is that every man loves himself more than all the rest of men, but yet sets less value on his own opinion of himself than on the opinion of others.

~Marcus Aurilies

Bhagavad Geeta in a sentence

Chapter 1 : Wrong thinking is the only problem in life.

Chapter 2 : Right Knowledge is the ultimate solution to all our problems.

Chapter 3 : Selflessness is the only way to progress & prosperity.

Chapter 4 : Every act can be an act of prayer.

Chapter 5: Renounce the ego of individuality & rejoice in the Bliss of Infinity.

Chapter 6: Connect the higher consciousness daily.

Chapter 7: Live what you learn.

Chapter 8: Never give up on yourself.

Chapter 9: Value your blessings.

Chapter10: See divinity all around.

Chapter 11: Have enough surrender to see the truth as it is.

Chapter 12: Absorb your mind in the higher.

Chapter 13:Detach from maya and attach to divine.

Chapter 14:Live a lifestyle that matches your vision.

Chapter 15:Give priority to divinity.

Chapter 16:Being good is a reward in itself.

Chapter 17:Choosing the right over the pleasant is a sign of power.

Chapter 18: Lets Go, Lets move to Union with God.

By Maharishi Ved Vyas- Author of shreemad Bhagwat Gita

Source: Internet

Happy Sri Krishna Janmasthami 🙏

Happy Sri Krishna Janmasthami 🙏 to all of you!

I am a huge fan of Lord Krishna.

I have been through most of my life.

Of course for different reasons at different times (maybe we can get into those at a different time!)

There are plenty of stories, anecdotes and scriptures of Lord Krishna, I would like to mention some of them that have resonated with me over the years.

Of course, the first thing anyone who talks about Krishna also talks about is the Srimad Bhagavad Geeta. It is Lord Krishna instructing Arjuna on his duty to fight, in the middle of the battlefield. Through the metaphor of Arjuna God speaks to all of us on the right way to live. Many greats (Vikram Sarabhai, Abdul Kalam, Mahatma Gandhi) have cited Bhagavad Geeta as their go-to scripture in navigating life’s toughest battles.

It is also one of the most widely read, recited, studied, translated and researched spiritual books on the planet. It has over 700 verses/slokhas spread over 18 chapters. The Sanskrit Channel has an excellent chant with narration of the complete Geeta.

The Srimad Bhagavatam is another of the great spiritual texts dedicated to the life and Leela of the Lord. At 18000 verses, spanning 12 Cantos divided into 335 chapters. It is regarded as the distilled essence of vedantic purnas and has some of best and most significant stories of Lord Vishnu. It includes the 10th Canto which describes the avatar of Lord Krishna at its glorious best as well as the the Uddhava Geeta (check this out if you haven’t previously).

There are a few other stories as well that come to mind.

Lord’s story of his pure friendship with Sudhama is indeed moving.

His bond with Arjuna also has several memorable instances.

This instance where Lord Krishna praises Karna gives me goosebumps and humility.

For those who can understand Kannada this is a great message from Lord Krishna, deeply moving worth reflecting often.

Which is your favourite scripture or story of lord Krishna??

Derek Sivers TED Talk (2012)

I love Derek Sivers for several reasons and this TED talk is certainly one of them.

If you want to know the meaning of life, you’ll have to invest 18 mins and 56 seconds.

Life is Choice, how do we make good choices then?

  • Ignore logic, trust emotion
  • Seek Only good enough
  • Embrace limits
  • Choose what’s important not what’s urgent

Life is Time, how to use time wisely?

  • Remember that its limited
  • Be mostly future focused, and only a little bit present and past focused
  • Get in the zone - flow state

Life is Memory, how to make more memories?

  • Always choosing the changing option, the riskier option

Life is Communication, how to communicate well?

  • Use Stories, to share ideas or make a point
  • Learn the cultural translations

Life is Happiness how to be happy? By not seeking it all the time!

Life is Learning, how can you best learn?

  • Learn the difference between - Growth vs. Fixed mindset(this was my biggest takeaway)

What if, Life is Suffering? What if, Life is Love? What if, Life is Just replicating DNA?

The answer?!!!

Life has no inherent meaning of its own. It is you who gives the meaning.

Cheers to life 🍻🍻


AI doesn’t just mean Artificial Intelligence,

It could also mean Abundance & Information.

It’s apparent we are headed towards an age of abundance with labour approaching zero cost.

Along the way, the amount of information being created is going to approach infinity.

Interesting times ahead 🤔

How are you preparing??

Great wisdom in the words of Nithin Kamath (or his uncle), makes even more sense to learn the secrets of wealth on Varamahalaxmi Pooja day🙏

For Contemplation - The Defining Day

One day you will wake up, not as a body,

But as a pure soul.

You will awaken to who you really are, to your mission in this world and to the values that govern existence.

When you wake up, all the situations you have experienced will make sense.

There will be no more pain or sadness.

Your entire past will be seen with gratitude and each experience as necessary and important for your growth.

When you wake up, there will be no more guilt. You will realize that everything you did was in the terms of what you had.

You will understand that you did the best you could and that your “mistakes” were attempts to find yourself.

And all guilt will become love and forgiveness of oneself.

When you wake up, you will love yourself.

You will stop comparing yourself to others and you will realize your uniqueness.

Finally you will understand that the beauty of each one is in being what you are, and that no norm can give you the strength of beauty that is to be authentic.

When you wake up, you won’t judge.

You will learn that each person is at a different level of evolution and even if the attitudes of others do not work for you, everyone has the right to try and learn from the consequences of their attitudes, because everyone is on the path of evolution.

When you wake up, you will value the present more, slow down your steps, express more what you feel and you will be open to the affection of those who love you.

You will look at all beings as souls, you will honor their existence, you will walk knowing that everything has a meaning and that a greater force moves your soul and your destiny.

When you wake up you will be in constant communion with the Universe and every gesture of yours will be a prayer.

We continue to live between dreams and open our eyes to reality and the depths of life.

Every situation we go through is a touch of life that calls us to wake up…

In the name of love!!

Source: Internet

We have to remember that what we observe is not nature herself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.

~Werner Heisenberg

Massively educational conversation between Dharmesh Shah (Hubspot), Sam Parr and Shaan Puri.

100 mins goldmine of knowledge

Enduring effort is the ONLY way to lasting success in ANY worthwhile pursuit!

Prove me wrong please.

To see everything in the form of principles is the highest intelligence.



A young boy asked his grandfather, “Grandpa, I want to be a star, I want to be in movies. When I grow up, I want to see the world, drive nice cars, and live in a house made of glass. Yes, I really want to be successful and great. So tell me, how do I chase all my goals, and catch them faster?”

The grandfather stopped for a moment, turned around, and then spotted a huge and super beautiful butterfly dancing on a flower. At once, he said, “Oh, my God! What a magnificent butterfly! Now, hurry… hurry and chase after it! Make sure you catch it! Don’t let it fly away! Move!”

The young lad hurriedly ran to the butterfly, but as he tried to take hold of it, the butterfly suddenly flew up into the wind. He ran after it, trying to catch it, but it was flying so fast. He ran around and around the garden until he got tired, and then he could no longer see the butterfly. Panting with loss of breath, he returned to his grandfather, wheezing, “I couldn’t catch it, grandpa! It flew away!”

The grandfather smiled for a moment, then held the young lad by his hand and took him to a corner. He waited until he calmed down, then he whispered into his ear,

“Listen, boy, let me teach you a lesson, a valuable life lesson. If you spend your time chasing butterflies, they’ll fly away. But if you spend your time creating a beautiful garden, the butterflies will come to you. You see… that butterfly is like your goals in life. In our journey of success, it’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of immediate goals, the fleeting butterflies of life. However, the real magic happens when we focus on building something substantial, akin to cultivating a vibrant garden. Instead of relentlessly chasing, channel your energy into creating and nurturing. Build something meaningful, whether it’s a project, a skill, or a relationship. The beauty you will cultivate will attract opportunities, experience, and success naturally. So don’t chase love, money, or success. Become the best version of yourself and those things will come to you.”

Source: What’s App

Pray as if everything is dependent on God and work as if everything is dependent on you.