I love Derek Sivers for several reasons and this TED talk is certainly one of them.

If you want to know the meaning of life, you’ll have to invest 18 mins and 56 seconds.

Life is Choice, how do we make good choices then?

  • Ignore logic, trust emotion
  • Seek Only good enough
  • Embrace limits
  • Choose what’s important not what’s urgent

Life is Time, how to use time wisely?

  • Remember that its limited
  • Be mostly future focused, and only a little bit present and past focused
  • Get in the zone - flow state

Life is Memory, how to make more memories?

  • Always choosing the changing option, the riskier option

Life is Communication, how to communicate well?

  • Use Stories, to share ideas or make a point
  • Learn the cultural translations

Life is Happiness how to be happy? By not seeking it all the time!

Life is Learning, how can you best learn?

  • Learn the difference between - Growth vs. Fixed mindset(this was my biggest takeaway)

What if, Life is Suffering? What if, Life is Love? What if, Life is Just replicating DNA?

The answer?!!!

Life has no inherent meaning of its own. It is you who gives the meaning.

Cheers to life 🍻🍻